I've had hundreds of these!!!

What seems to happen with this Mydoom virus is that once it has
commandeered someone's address book it sends out viruses that purport to
come from the names in the address book.
So - if your address is in someone's address book and they get the virus
- your name goes out to hundreds of people - who all think you've sent
them a virus.

Of course the next thing is you start getting e-mails from total
strangers either
a) telling you that you sent them a virus or
b) telling you that they are out of the office at the moment

Blinking nuisance.

You then start getting viruses sent to you but with the name not quite
- if your address works like the Freeserve one - ie my address is
[EMAIL PROTECTED] but in fact the first word could be anything
- so [EMAIL PROTECTED] works equally well.

So I get viruses sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] admin@ pzone... etc

Hope this helps.

By the way I have 379 unread Fluxlist e-mails. I really must read them!

Love to all


PS Haven't had many card game rules yet... come on.........

PPS NP Far From Enough - Viktor Krauss


The Poetry Zone http://www.poetryzone.co.uk
Danny Chaucer http://www.dannychaucer.com

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 08 March 2004 10:29
Subject: FLUXLIST: viruseless

Sorry to post something somewhat unrelated to the list and the nature
thereof, but I thought that perhaps somewhere out there, amongst that
great wealth of talent and knowledge that is Fluxlist (oh look! flattery
to detract from the non-fluxlisty nature of this message), there is the
answer I am looking for.

After  the strange message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and another reporting
an infected file I had sent to an address I don't even have, this
morning I was checking an old email address (my old Libero one). Amongst
the spam there was a mail delivery notice reporting the non delivery of
an infected file to an address I've never seen before.  This account is
web-based, therefore doesn't go through Outlook, or any other mail prog
- on this website based email I have no stored addresses.

I understand that some viruses clone addresses but are usually
propogated through ms progs such as outlook.

My pc is heavily protected with anti-virus and firewall stuff and I have
run current checks for the new viruses (checking registries etc) and as
far as I can see I am clear.

Do I have a problem or is someone just using my addresses?  So far I
have recieved 3 notifications of problems 2 for 2 seperate email
addresses which go through Outlook and one web-based one - none of which
make sense as there is no proof in each case of any activity on my part.

My concern is that I have a problem that I cannot find and that I'mm
passing it on through my quite large address book.

Any help would be greatly appreciated (offlist)

Thanks for you patience


Spazio ILLIMITATO per la tua Email, Scanner Antivirus,
Antispam, Backup e POP3. Prova la nuova Email di superEva:

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