
>nombre nombre nombrE sunk ni but epol stayed 'n sprayed ry tellaw
>dnas ry llems draped across the bed a gurhs ecnad gnippots  .erbmoh
>lope erbmoh erbmoh deyarps sand fellow followed bed tub ombra arbmos
>sombra stopping forehead on the lever hsac deppals  .lever rebmun  
>,pants gapped deppag stnap, number revel.  slapped cash revel eht no
>daeherof gnippots arbmos sombra arbmo but deb dewollof wollef dnas
>sprayed hombre hombre epol hombre.  stopping dance shrug a bed eht
>ssorca depard smell yr sand wallet yr deyarps 'n deyats lope tub in
>knus Erbmon erbmon erbmon

> el hombre sin nombre--el hombre sin nom--l'uomo senza nome--

senza numero-sans nom, ni mumero--c'est personne--man with no name no number

ghost rider le colline mi aspeta--les collines m'attend> --the hills await me--

cabellero invisible--chevalier fantome--spiritu sancto--who are you who are you who are you-

ombra sombra--dark shadow--ombre sombre--companero--copain--companion--

without number without name--with shadow with echo--a zero doubled--infinity rides--


>John M. Bennett
>Dr. John M. Bennett
>Curator, Avant Writing Collection
>Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
>The Ohio State University Libraries
>1858 Neil Av Mall
>Columbus, OH 43210 USA
>(614) 292-3029

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