Dear Friends,

We have received three answers to our question.

IOHO (in our humble opinion) the issue has something to do with proportion. There is a specific list of themes and topics that we read in the list statement of purpose, and nearly none of them occur in any significant proportion on this list.

We have had the chance to read some of the list contributions from the early days of Fluxlist, with genuinely interesting discussions on different themes and topics. Some of these specifically focused on Fluxus. others addressed the ideas and issues. List members included two original Fluxus artists among its founder, Dick Higgins, Ken Friedman, and a few other artists joined, such as Eric Andersen. We realize from reading the correspondence that the list was not perfect, andf the list seems to have shifted its tone after Dick Higgins died. This is apparently why Mr. Friedman left the list. (We understand that Mr. Andersen was expelled from the list.)

Again, none of the material posted here is bad, but when the proportion of word games and silly week material grows too high, the list becomes moribund and uninteresting.

Any of you who have actually read the Something Else Press books or seen Fluxus boxes and publications at first hand must surely see that not all word games are alike. George Bush and Franklin Delano Roosevelt were both presidents of the United States, but they are not alike. To say that "Fluxus sometimes involves playing word games" is true. To say that "Playing words games is Fluxus" is false.

IOHO, it is a tad arroigant to say that this list "is FLUXUS." The reason that we chose to remain secret is that we are tired of the claim that so many young artists make to being the inheritors and new claimants to the label of Fluxus.

We have, indeed, occasionally posted notes, comments, ideas, and always our concert programs of work by Fluxus artists. There has been little response and little similar.

Rather than read complaints about our question, we'd like to know what some of the list members feel about the list. Again, we ask what purpose this list serves to those who are interested in Fluxus or any of the topics stated in the list purposes.


Secret Fluxus

1 From Michael Leigh

Dear Friend, I think if you take the trouble to
examine the huge list of subjects that this group is
able to indulge itself in you will find "wobbly
grinks" at No.37
 As for Fluxus not related to ideas concerning word
games, poetry and vital defects then you are sadly
 The ideas, topics and messages in the FLUXLIST are
the result of the members who take part in that list.
If you wish to see other ideas,topics and messages
then its up to you to express them. The list is the
sum of its parts after all. Michael

2 From Roger Stevens


Tricky one

Is it having fun with language in art context

Is it playing with butter and eggs in a restaurant

Is it analysing a joke but not finding it funny

Sure beats me



3 From Ray Noman

I speak only for myself but it seems to me that the NETlist is not so much
about FLUXUS as it is FLUXUS. As for FLUXUS, Fluxlist, word games, sex,
brown things in the grass in parks and even woobly grinks, well they can al=
be disappointing =AD or even extremely disappointing.

Again speaking for myself I=B9ve found it useful subscribing to this NETlist
and indeed unless I=B9d done so secretFLUXUS might well have remained a
mystery, and the DEADLYsecret , it was to me some months ago. Now that migh=
not have been a BADthing but I guess my life is a little richer for the
experience and as for my PhD Thesis, it=B9s going nicely thank you.

May I suggest that if you are not finding enough then perhaps you are not
turning over enough rocks to look under =AD euphemistically speaking. Or mayb=
it=B9s that you are not adding much so there is much less to take away. And
anyway, why would/should a discussion about such things become

Now in regard to your unhappiness there are some things, very positive
things, that you can do about that and we could all start a list right here
and now and see how long it could get:

* Possibility # Z4_1116: Start a NETlist totally dedicated to a singular
view of an attitude
* Possibility # Z4b_1116/a: Start a NETlist totally dedicated to the seriou=
investigation of nothing
* Possibility # Z4c_1116/b: Start a NETlist totally dedicated to the seriou=
investigation of somethingness
* Possibility # Z1_11111/x: Do all of the above
* Possibility # Y6_66-69: Say something outrageous and stand back
* Possibility # Y6/b_66-69-a: Say something outrageous and keep saying it
* Possibility # Y6/c_66-69-b: Think something outrageous and tell someone
* Possibility # Z75_7765: Find a friend and ask them if it=B9s Monday
* Possibility # Z75/a_7765-2: Find a cook and ask her/him how to mix eggs
and butter or something =AD artistically!
* Possibility # DA42_00042: Contemplate 42 and tree planting in both this
and reverse order=20
* Possibility # A54_8963: Reduce the circle of acquaintances you engage wit=
and insist on talking about rain.
* Possibility # KK1_0066: Invest in pictures of light by America=B9s most
famous artists=20
* Possibility # Zz1_0001: Seek alternative visions of the same

Unfortunately I=B9m moving away from the edge slightly and going to Australia
for a week or so. Therefore, I=B9ll not be able engage deeply in this
discourse unless it=B9s still going when I return to the edge, CYBERaccess is
restored and theSPAM has not drowned it. The risks we take and now I=B9ve got
to and go pack my safety gear and fill my wallet.

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