Jill visited NY a couple of weeks ago and visited the Dieter Roth
exhibition. She said it was wonderful. She brought me back the
catalogue. Well, I say catalogue - it's actually a 300 page large-format
Roth Time - A Dieter Roth Retrospective. It's magnificent.

What staggered me was just how much work the guy produced. I had no idea
he was so prolific.

He's always been one of my favourite artists and was quite an influence
on my work. I first came across his work in the library of the Art
College when I was a sculpture student (this would have been 1968? 69?)
It was book full of little poems and sayings stuck in with transparent
sticky tape. I just thought... WOW!

Kathy Forer wrote -
 Last week I saw the Dieter Roth exhibit and was much more satisfied 
than I thought I'd be. So messy! It was the insides turned outside and 
yeah I liked it, mostly. Though my sensibilities are inclined toward 
form, my curiosity is captured by painted postcards. And context.

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