--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > 
> >
> >
> > "Man Bites Dog"
> > 42-page book made of fur, teeth, skin and bones
> >
> > Kathy Forer, Roger Stevens, Michael Leigh,Alan
> >
> > story so far: 14 wolverines and one lap dog chase
> a badger. But the
> > badger is too fast and burrows beneath a
> paintbrush stuck in a stone.
> > In the burrow are mushrooms and grain. The badger
> makes a badger
> > ambrosia of the grain and mushrooms and is soon
> asleep. Hours later,
> > the badger is awakened by the noise of wood
> against stone. It is night
> > and the lap dog is yapping. The wolverines have
> surrounded the stone
> > and are chanting an incantation. The badger
> doesn't breathe, not a
> > whisker moves. The suspense is acrostic. After a
> paws of several minutes
> > the badger quickly whips out his magic asbestos
> > underpants and puts them on. He flings open the
> > serving hatch and grabs the vial of sacred weasel
> > water and makes a dot for the burrow entrance and
> > confronts the seething mass of writhing wolverines
> > squirming around the stone which is now glowing
> with a
> > strange phosphorescent throb!
> >
> > 1
> >
> > It was a dense night. Stumble patterns and brave
> yapping set apart the
> > party of owl elves and gnome mimics as they
> writhed and chased and
> > spurned the undergrowth around the latest beige
> badger silting. In the
> > brave distance behove the strange and incandescent
> foreshadows of
> > wolverines and greenish melon lights upon the
> substantial forest fare.
> >
> > Young Zonograph, the tallest owl elf snuffed his
> warps harp and muttered
> > -
> > I can hear a badger. The badger is in trouble. I
> scents wolverines.
> > Hurry there is no stone unready ton roll upturned
> in this lackadaisical
> > pre-momentary of the word fandango.
> >
> > Meanwhile, or to be  more precisereiouseless, 
> high on hill stood a
> lonely man with a goathead, his fixedinterestrate
> stare
> directeddyboyhoodlesservilely at the burning black
> belching smokestacks
> of the town beyong the wolverine woods. The sound of
> a suddenly
> snuffeforadicalcified warps harp, brought memories
> back for Ludwig Hat,
> erstwhile butler and badger
> baiterribleedinglendervish of Vincent and
> Cara Van Hire.
> Ludwig stood immobile, imshelle and intexacoe, for
> Ludwig had been brained
> by falling groceries, dropped from almost a mile
> overhead and one mile and
> eight inches over shoulder, a result of the
> splitting of a cheap carrier
> pigeon on it's way home. Forcing his gaze downward
> Ludwig was horrified,
> not only had his part of the story not managed to
> settle on a definite
> form, not only did it lack content but now to his
> disgust he found that he
> had been rendereducededicateddyboyfriended by a
> tangerine!!! He couldn't
> even get that right.
> Ludwig crossed his eyes and dotted his teeth,
> relaxed and floated up,
> through the roof of his own mouth.
> Nincent and Cara, however, were seriously
> considering calling Sister Meg
> and entering into the fray.  Sister Meg O'Lomania
> was after all acrostic
> champion frigidaire and good at getting badgers out
> of trees and
> wolverines out of toasters. Lap dogs she had no time
> for as their
> batteries always seemed to run out in the middle of
> a sent bottle of enormous palcritude. His eyes
dilated and shuffled in the moonlight, his breathe
came in short pants and his trousers rolled up like
venetain blinds caught in a mighty wurlitzer. 
  Mrs. Shufflefang caught sight of herself ina nearby
polished knob of a milkmans portable pelmet crusher
and she winced inwardly, tossing back a mane of flaxen
hair that was tied in a bun and covered in currants.
The badgers, for now there were five, all grabbed the
reins of the milkman's horse and whipped it into a
gallop and then into a small tea shop where it
scattered several old ladies and a troupe of dwarves
on an outing. Suddenly.....
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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