Title: Re: FLUXLIST: "Dick Higgins and Something Else Press" in new RAIN TAXI journal
Yes, just saw too—also, the next issue of Rain Taxi (which is published in Minnesota) will feature the “VACUM Attachment,” an insert of writing on visual arts (issues, books, events) by the members of VACUM (Visual Arts Critics Union of Minnesota) , of which I am a charter member. I’m doing a thing on nature photography from about 5 miles up.

For more on VACUM, go to the website of which I am news and features editor, mnartists.org, and type in “VACUM” in search line. You’ll see about half of our distinguished crew. I particularly like Mark Wojahn in “avant garde orange”.


On 6/24/04 7:12 PM, "David-Baptiste Chirot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Everybody--
just found the new issue of RAIN TAXI journal--and there is a two page article re Dick Higgins and Something Else Press--
article is by Steven Clay, publisher of Granary Books--
several others and their books also mentioned --

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