Blab grainy
.blab knockers  .smote chewing  .dunk shoulder
.warts rellems  .taolb rellim  .maerd dratsum
.claw sweller  .boat swiller  .cream clustered
.balf rekcolc  .taolf gnilip  .knus reddu
flake and bake
and gnat and bile and door and soon
and lit and brûle and porn and melt
and crack and flump and breast and cod
and jowl and scorn and loose and by
strum and shine
the leap beast scrummed and scrambled wrested
like your bloomer stone what shadow gas
what smoulder grease and tuna grinning in the
drains your lake face stumbles  ,grainy

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett     
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

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