
These particular ones exist only in digital form, but I also have others (physical collages) that involve some printed parts that are like these, and I have sometimes printed out the digital collaborations that Karl Young and I have been doing for a number of years. Finally, as I noted on the blog, these resemble little cards that I have been printing (and will continue to print), which I leave in public places for people to find.


On Feb 28, 2006, at 10:02 AM, Allan Revich wrote:



The collages on your blog are fabulous! Do they exist in forms besides bits ‘n’ bytes? For example, do you print and mail them? Print them for yourself or for other reasons? Do they begin as physical media that are scanned before being digitally mediated?


Curious Allan


BTW: “Other Reed”, your collection of tonerworks is also wonderful!


From: [] On Behalf Of Reid Wood
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 9:55 PM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Cobbing bookwork on Tonerworks




Very nice work ... glad to see you publishing on your blog again. I continue to add things to mine at



The other Reid


Reid Wood (State of Being)

"Haven't-Garde Art"


On Feb 27, 2006, at 2:08 PM, Reed Altemus wrote:

Hello all,

After a two month respite from blogging (and YES I was

beginning to miss it) and three weeks of frustration trying

to contact blogger support and what seems like endless

fiddling trying to see what would work and what didn't, I

have returned to Tonerworks and my first offered postings

are again a bookwork by the late English visual poet

Bob Cobbing this time a 1983 duo with his wife Jennifer Pike

Cobbing called "Processual 2" which I posted in its entirety.

For those interested in visual poetry, a treat. Check it out at:






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