Suse and Carol,


Thanks for the kind words. Suse, I’m not sure if I really deserve credit for more profundity than you. Your poem cuts much deeper.




From: [] On Behalf Of suse
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Normal Where and Tear


I simply love this Normal poem.

I also have a sonnet (and I heard a good one last night at a farewell toast-- tis the season I suppose)

mine is not as profound but born of recent experience.

(I am certain someone must have started one like this before--first 8 words--it being iambic)


The Snake


I am I am I am Iam a job.

I find myself within its grasp each day.

I am no thief, no whore, no wench, no slob;

I earn my sleep and live and play and pray.

It suits me well to pay on all my bills,

provide good food, protection for my child,

shelter from the storm, and outrageous ills--

with luck a junket to the isle of wild.

But now! I've quit my job and I am lost!

My reason dashed by unabashed fear--

Security ain't but a drunken boat tossed

upon some uncollapsing wave to here.

The most loved dreams inside our heads

need economic means or else they're dead.


----- Original Message -----

From: Allan Revich

Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 10:21 AM

Subject: FLUXLIST: Normal Where and Tear


Normal Where and Tear


This is not about the way that anybody goes

It is about the news on the radio as seen on TV

When the talking head says nothing about me

When the spinning tops plunder what no one knows


It could be said that the world is an oyster shell

Lifting itself above the turtle back frames on spectacles

Like that time the pope wore Chinese food manacles

Or that event when nobody who knew could tell


Some people went out to fight a war for peace

While other people stayed behind to fight the battle

When governments fell among the popular prattle

And soulless priests give sermons on lease


Anything goes because nobody knows

Everyone knows what the scrap heap grows



Allan Revich



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