these poems remind me of the movie 'network'

Cecil Touchon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On a similar subject

Book 2 #29 12/19/00 5:12:15 PM
This IS a surprise!
A violation of the established rules of Convention cannot be defended,
Let us bring out a distinction we are making here.
Can someone please tell me a little more about what was happening
upon the impressible hearts of the school-girls whose smiling observance they might chance passingly to arrest?
I look in vain for something that makes sense.
I see nothing but smoke and mirrors.
I hear nothing but spin.
What was the final and actual count?
Have I missed that?
Where can I find that information?
Look, we don't want to waste your time...or ours
Truth + Spin = Bullshit
a connection may be simplistic at best
It probably works for some people.
People must be able to think they can find you
There must be an indescribable air of refinement,
A frisson of power.
There is a subtle influence connected with this art which is not easily defined; we can all recognize it when we listen to them, and yet few of us could point out wherein the science lies
you'll find the records easy to manipulate
They don't mean anything, they don't mean anything at all.
It's always well disguised.
We come in through your speakers or
we come in through your television set,
like a lot of these other messages.
But we're not really trying to sell anything.
We do this because this is what we do.

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