Fluxus Is List
  1. Fluxus is a mini-encyclopedia of aesthetic alternatives
  2. Fluxus is everywhere at once
  3. Fluxus is not between "this" and "that"
  4. Fluxus is healthy Anti-Art
  5. Fluxus is a weed that will not go away
  6. Fluxus is a "sui generis" cultural form
  7. Fluxus is a late night radio broadcast of three to five stations at once
  8. Fluxus is a One Man Show that got out of hand
  9. Fluxus is like a chicken bone the world art dog cannot cough up
  10. Fluxus is a Virtual Reality system where the glove doesn't work properly and the helmet doesn't fit
Composition based on text samples from "Al Hansen on Fluxus", pgs. 81-84, Beck & Al Hansen: Playing with Matches, Smart Art Press 1998

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