Ralph Hoehn: 1 - Make a flat left and right circle-section sleeve of deck 
material, ... 2 - Flat aluminium circle-sections can be pushed in from slots 
in the rear of the coaming
Marian Gunkel: Well, it *almost* works. ... I suspect it is a matter of the 
length of the P-leg (tm by Stefano :-)) which is too short. The coaming is 
laying flat on the deck material. I have to lift it up to push the sprayskirt 
under it which is a PIA when your fingers are cold and wet.

I might try and make some aluminium pieces slightly narrower than the 
existing ones, thus providing a longer P-leg. ...

RH: I suppose keeping the outer diameter the same and cutting away part of 
the inner portion of the exiting rim would give you a P-leg of sorts (don't 
let my dog hear that :-). What is the current difference between the ID and 
the OD of the coaming sections? 


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