Sussman's in particular is well worth reading.



From: John Zabroski <>
To: Fundamentals of New Computing <>
Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 8:05:49 AM
Subject: Re: [fonc] An actor-based environment for prototyping

The link I provided IS to his LCS TR.

For OTHER universities, you have to go through a clearinghouse.

You can even get Guy Lewis Steele or Gerald Jay Sussman's Ph.D. theses on the 
same site I linked to, if you want.

On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Alan Kay <> wrote:

But in this case, Dave's thesis would have been an LCS TR, so should be 
findable (and free) via the CSAIL "historic collections".
 From: John Zabroski <>
>To: Fundamentals of New Computing <>
>Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 6:42:50 AM
>Subject: Re: [fonc] An actor-based environment for prototyping
>MIT has catalogued for free basically all their CS papers ever. -- Most 
>Ph.D.'s require going through a clearinghouse to acquire and will set you back 
>a chunk of monies.
>On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 11:37 PM, Dale Schumacher <> 
>>>Hi Alan,
>>>>Thanks for the encouragement.  After a little searching I found
>>>>"Naming and Synchronization in a Decentralized Computer System", D. P.
>>>>Reed, 1978 [1].  Is that the paper you had in mind?  It looks
>>>>interesting, but I haven't had a chance to absorb it yet.
>>>>I'm glad to hear we're on the right track regarding Actors.  At this
>>>>stage, I'm working at the small end of the continuum, focusing on a
>>>>small number of powerful and composable mechanisms.  I'm about to
>>>>launch a new blog to discuss some of our findings.  I'll post
>>>>something here when it's available.
>>>>I'll have to give some thought to the larger-scale blackboard
>>>>mechanism.  It seems like it will take a few combined abstractions to
>>>>get there.  Some kind of "unification" or "matching" along with
>>>>perhaps an "auction" or "marketplace".  Maybe the work of the
>>>>complexity folks, using Agent-Based Modeling, could inform this
>>>>effort.  I think there's more foundational work to do before I'll be
>>>>ready to tackle these issues, but it is good to let it percolate.
>>>>I'm convinced that there is important progress to be made using
>>>>actors, and I plan to continue in that vein.
>>>>Thanks again,
>>>>On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 7:28 AM, Alan Kay <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Dale et al.
>>>>> This sounds like a great project, and I'd like to find out more. (Have you
>>>>> looked at David Reed's 1978 MIT thesis on "distributed transactional 
>>>>> object
>>>>> operating systems". In my opinion this was one of the very best next steps
>>>>> wrt objects (and it was influenced by Actors)).
>>>>> And you are right that Actors were closer to my original concept of 
>>>>> objects.
>>>>> Actors came out of the first implemented Smalltalk (72) (which was very
>>>>> "Actor-like") -- my notion of objects was heavily influenced by the 
>>>>> ARPAnet
>>>>> and the soon to be Internet -- and Actors stayed with something more like
>>>>> this and were both a great next step from what we were doing at PARC, and
>>>>> also got to some of the theoretical issues better than we did. The drive 
>>>>> at
>>>>> PARC was to invent and build personal computing, and to try to do it in a
>>>>> language that children could program in. (The former succeeded better than
>>>>> the latter.)
>>>>> After the first round of hardware and software design and implementation,
>>>>> Xerox was unwilling to fund the next logical machine after the Alto
>>>>> (eventually they did but too late), and this forced the fringe people (us)
>>>>> to have to optimize software for the first time (we had been making things
>>>>> run fast enough via HW). And this brought forth rather different versions 
>>>>> of
>>>>> Smalltalk which were less adventurous than the original but much more
>>>>> practical (Smalltalk-76 was about 180 times as fast as Smalltalk-72).
>>>>> Carl Hewitt's research was not primarily aimed at building whole real-time
>>>>> systems, so Actors and Smalltalk diverged quite a bit.
>>>>> However, I still think the most interesting version of Smalltalk was "71"
>>>>> which was never implemented [1]. It was an attempt to combine my earliest
>>>>> notion of objects, LOGO, Carl Hewitt's most interesting work (PLANNER, 
>>>>> which
>>>>> was the strongest influence on the later Prolog), and some of David 
>>>>> Fisher's
>>>>> control definition ideas. This was what we called "pattern directed
>>>>> invocation" or "call by desire". Smalltalk-72 was a weaker version of 
>>>>> this,
>>>>> and it's hard to see at all in Smalltalk-80 (a programmer really has to 
>>>>> want
>>>>> to program this way to do it).
>>>>> Also in [1] towards the end, is a discussion of how many improvements in
>>>>> software came from improvements in late binding, and that some of these
>>>>> eventually got put into HW to remove most of the inefficiencies that 
>>>>> usually
>>>>> come with late binding something. When LINDA came along in the 80s, this 
>>>>> got
>>>>> me thinking harder about the step to "call by need". This was already in
>>>>> PLANNER as "antecedent theorems" (Prolog only tried to do the "consequent
>>>>> theorems" which have a control structure that allows "backwards 
>>>>> reasoning",
>>>>> and is rather similar to procedure calls). CMU had been doing considerable
>>>>> explorations into "forward reasoning" (OPS-5) with some terrific
>>>>> optimization mechanisms (Forgie et al). LINDA provided a kind of
>>>>> metaframework for pretty much building any kind of control structure and
>>>>> these could be driven by patterns. These allowed one to think about a kind
>>>>> of goal oriented publish and subscribe coordination mechanism in which no
>>>>> messages were sent (but in which messages were only received).
>>>>> One way to think of this is that each object has two "bulletin boards". 
>>>>> One
>>>>> has characterizations of needed resources, and the other has
>>>>> characterizations of resources made available by the object. These 
>>>>> bulletin
>>>>> boards are now all put into a LINDA-like matching space which does the
>>>>> (considerable) work of brokering. If one could come up with a great way to
>>>>> express the characterizations, then one would have removed one of the
>>>>> difficulties of scaling a message sending system, by removing the need to
>>>>> know the name or IDs of the receivers. In effect, one would not send
>>>>> messages, but only receive them.
>>>>> I think the big power here would be in finally getting more strongly to a
>>>>> more independent but highly practical way to provide semantics. (One of 
>>>>> our
>>>>> favorite examples over the years is the question "if you don't know the 
>>>>> name
>>>>> of the sine function, then how could you still invoke it?" ... APL has a
>>>>> very funny completely non-intuitive way of naming sine, etc.) This 
>>>>> question
>>>>> is a very good question when you are trying to find powerful and useful
>>>>> resources on a large network ....
>>>>> People who have taken the trouble to really understand and build Actor
>>>>> systems (like you!) are well set up to ponder and design and criticize one
>>>>> of the next logical qualitative leaps in object design and communication.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Alan
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>> From: Dale Schumacher <>
>>>>> To: Fundamentals of New Computing <>
>>>>> Cc: Tristan Slominski <>; Steven Teleki
>>>>> <>; Dion Stewart <>; John Heintz
>>> <>; Ian Buchanan <>; David West
>>> <>
>>>>> Sent: Sun, May 9, 2010 4:38:20 PM
>>>>> Subject: [fonc] An actor-based environment for prototyping
>>>>> I've been following with great interest the FoNC developments at VPRI.
>>>>> I too am very interested in compact, simple and expressive
>>>>> representations of computer-based solutions.  My focus for the last
>>>>> three years has been on the Actor model of computation [1][2].  It
>>>>> seems to me that actors are closer to Alan Kay's original concept of
>>>>> "objects" than the implementation of objects realized in Smalltalk and
>>>>> its derivatives.  As Alan has said, the emphasis should be on the
>>>>> messages.  In a concurrent environment, the asynchronous messaging of
>>>>> actors is a much better primitive than the synchronous call-return
>>>>> messaging typical in today's "object-oriented" languages (including
>>>>> those based on COLA).  In order to explore these ideas, I've developed
>>>>> an actor-based environment for protoyping.  Within this environment
>>>>> I've implemented; a solution to the same-fringe problem, an
>>>>> implementation of Joe Armstrong's "Erlang Challenge", a fault-tree
>>>>> simulation, a dialect of FORTH, two dialects of Scheme, and a
>>>>> meta-circularly-defined actor language called Humus.
>>>>> Humus is a pure actor-based programming language that provides a
>>>>> foundation for software developers to build reliable concurrent
>>>>> computer systems.  It features a referentially transparent
>>>>> pure-functional core for defining values.  These values become the
>>>>> messages between (and specify the behavior of) dynamically configured
>>>>> actors.  Actor behaviors are composed of concurrent, rather than
>>>>> sequential, primitive operations.  Actor configurations may also be
>>>>> composed without affecting their operation.  This allows
>>>>> implementation of systems with high scalability and low latency in
>>>>> both multi-core and distributed execution environments.  The
>>>>> theoretical foundations of Humus have mathematically rigorous
>>>>> semantics [3].  Unlike Erlang or Scala, there are no blocking
>>>>> operations and all expressions are completely free of side-effects.
>>>>> Mutable state is entirely encapsulated within actors and may be
>>>>> affected only be sending asynchronous messages.
>>>>> Some of the implementation techniques used in both Humus and my
>>>>> actor-based environment (ABE) were inspired by COLA.  OMeta also
>>>>> provided insight into the design of numerous parsers for the various
>>>>> languages built in ABE.  I haven't implemented OMeta directly, but
>>>>> believe an implementation is possible. The biggest hurdle to that
>>>>> implementation is the specification of semantic actions.  If I use the
>>>>> host language (Humus) to specify the semantic actions, then I can't
>>>>> take advantage of all the useful OMeta "code" written for COLA.  It
>>>>> seems that I would have to implement COLA (Coke) as well.  I would
>>>>> love to find a way to connect my work with that of VPRI, to the extent
>>>>> that we have shared goals.
>>>>> [1] G. Agha.  Actors: A Model of Concurrent Computation in Distributed
>>>>> Systems.  MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1986.
>>>>> [2] C. Hewitt.  Viewing Control Structures as Patterns of Passing
>>>>> Messages.  Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 8(3):323-364, 1977.
>>>>> [3] G. Agha, I. Mason, S. Smith, and C. Talcott.  A Foundation for
>>>>> Actor Computation.  Journal of Functional Programming, Vol. 7, No. 1,
>>>>> January 1997.
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