On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 5:23 PM, Casey Ransberger
<casey.obrie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Has anyone taken the actor model down to the metal?

If someone has, I would sure like to hear about it!  There was the
Apiary machine, but I don't think that was ever physically built, only

This is a concept that has been kicked around several times over the
last couple of years among some of my collaborators.  It is one of the
reasons why I ported the actor core runtime to the Arduino, to get a
step closer to the metal.

The SEND and BECOME primitives seem fairly straight-forward to
translate to hardware.  It is the CREATE primitive that I struggle
with.  Since we can't actually "create" new hardware elements, it
seems like it would have to be virtualized in some way.  Perhaps it
would be sufficient to virtualize it the same way we virtualize
processes, simulating multi-processing on a smaller number of cores.

Maybe there would be some way to activate latent nodes of processing
power, injecting them with their initial behavior as a way of
breathing life into them.  It could be just a matter of "allocating"
new actors the way we allocate memory.  Each hardware node could have
a capacity of available actors who only need a script to become alive.

I would love to explore this idea further and hear how you would
consider approaching the problem.

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