On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 8:13 PM, Casey Ransberger

> Another approach I think is really cool is actually just using mathematical
> notation as one representation of what's otherwise basically an s-expr, in
> which case I think one is having some cake and eating it too. I've been
> playing with Mathematica a bit, which seems to do some of that. Kind of like
> flipping between the piano roll and the notation view in a music program. I
> also think their big algorithm library is a really lovely idea... If it
> doesn't necessarily separate meaning from optimization, it at least seems
> like it could help separate math from glue and plumbing  which would just be
> a godsend in my work, where it often feels like I have to
> read-between-the-lines to find an algorithm in a piece of code I'm looking
> at.

You would like Fortress: http://labs.oracle.com/projects/plrg/faq/NAS-CG.pdf
Here is an example of runnable Fortress code:
(There is also an ASCII-only syntax for us luddites.)
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