On 07/25/2011 09:35 PM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> I did ask in that thread about exposing the CPU, a la NativeClient. (It's a 
> usenet group so you can post without subscribing, nice)
> Short answer is that they don't see a need for it.
I somehow have mixed feelings about NaCL. I think that safe execution of
native code is a great achievement. Yet the current implementation
somehow still feels a bit like safer reincarnation of the ActiveX
technology. It defines a kind of abstract toolkit (like ActiveX used
WIN32 API) that enables you to interact with the user in a definite way
(graphics, audio, events).

I think it fails to achieve a common low level representation of data
that can be safely used to compose powerful applications. From this
point of view I think that e.g. message passing (in a pepsi/cola way)
with capabilities based security is much more interesting concept to
hide powerful computation than having to rely on a IPC (the pepper
interface in NaCl).  Also people should address introspectabilty and
debuggability right at the core - e.g. enforce symbols for debugging
into the applications. I think introspecabilty (the right to "View
Source") is one of the biggest improvements of Javascript compared to
e.g. Java.


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