
Comments line...

On 27/02/2012, at 5:33 PM, BGB wrote:

>> I don't think it was a prank. It's not really hidden at all. If you pay 
>> attention, all the components of Frank are there... like I said. It's 
>> obviously missing certain things like Nothing, and other optimisations, but 
>> for the most part, all the tech is present.
> sorry for asking, but is their any sort of "dense people friendly" version, 
> like maybe a description on the Wiki or something?...
> like, so people can get a better idea of "what things are about and how they 
> all work and fit together"?... (like, in the top-down description kind of 
> way?).

I don't think this is for people who aren't prepared to roll up their sleeves 
and try things out. For a start, learn SmallTalk. It's not hard. Go check out 
squeak. There are lots of resources to learn SmallTalk.

>> My major stumbling block at the moment is understanding OMeta fully. This is 
>> possibly the most amazing piece of work I've seen in a long, long time, and 
>> there's no easy explanation of it, and no really simple explanation of the 
>> syntax, either. There are the papers, and source code and the sandboxes, but 
>> I'm still trying to understand how to use it. It's kind of huge. I think 
>> perhaps I need to get a grounding in PEGs before I start on OMeta because 
>> there seems to be a lot of assumed knowledge there. Mostly I'm having 
>> trouble with the absolute, complete basics.
>> Anyway I digress... have you had a look at this file?:
>> http://piumarta.com/software/maru/maru-2.1/test-pepsi.l
>> Just read the whole thing - I found it fairly interesting :) He's build 
>> pepsi on maru there... that's pretty fascinating, right? Built a micro 
>> smalltalk on top of the S-expression language... and then does a Fast 
>> Fourier Transform test using it...
> my case: looked some, but not entirely sure how it works though.

You could do what I've done, and read the papers and then re-read them and 
re-read them and re-read them... and research all references you find (the 
whole site is totally full of references to the entire of programming history). 
I personally think knowing LISP and SmallTalk, some assembler, C, Self, 
Javascript and other things is going to be incredibly helpful. Also, math is 
the most helpful! :)


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