Hi Alan,

Apropos some of the recent threads:

As I recall, some of the very early Smalltalk versions had a more concurrent view of the world, and inspired Hewitt's work on Actors, as is now perhaps best embodied in Erlang.

It's long occurred to me that I sure would love to have an environment that felt like Smalltalk (say Squeak) but that allowed objects to behave like actors - all the message passing is there, but message/event-driven flow of control isn't. It's always seemed to me that a merger of Smalltalk and an Erlang-like run-time environment would be an interesting direction - but I've yet to see any efforts toward concurrent or distributed smalltalk go very far (well, maybe Croquet qualifies).

I wonder if you might have any comments to offer on why Smalltalk took the path it did re. flow-of-control, and/or future directions.


Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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