On 10/3/2012 2:46 PM, Paul Homer wrote:
I think it's because that's what we've told them to ask for :-)

In truth we can't actually program 'everything', I think that's a side-effect of Godel's incompleteness theorem. But if you were to take 'everything' as being abstract quantity, the more we write, the closer our estimation comes to being 'everything'. That perspective lends itself to perhaps measuring the current state of our industry by how much code we are writing right now. In the early years, we should be writing more and more. In the later years, less and less (as we get closer to 'everything'). My sense of the industry right now is that pretty much every year (factoring in the economy and the waxing or waning of the popularity of programming) we write more code than the year before. Thus we are only starting :-)

yeah, this seems about right.

from my own experience, new code being written in any given area tends to drop off once that part is reasonably stable or complete, apart from occasional tweaks/extensions, ...

but, there is always more to do somewhere else, so on average the code gradually gets bigger, as more functionality gets added in various areas.

and, I often have to decide where I will not invest time and effort.

so, yeah, this falls well short of "everything"...


    *From:* Pascal J. Bourguignon <p...@informatimago.com>
    *To:* Paul Homer <paul_ho...@yahoo.ca>
    *Cc:* Fundamentals of New Computing <fonc@vpri.org>
    *Sent:* Wednesday, October 3, 2012 3:32:34 PM
    *Subject:* Re: [fonc] How it is

    Paul Homer <paul_ho...@yahoo.ca <mailto:paul_ho...@yahoo.ca>> writes:

    > The on-going work to enhance the system would consistent of
    modeling data, and creating
    > transformations. In comparison to modern software development,
    these would be very little
    > pieces, and if they were shared are intrinsically reusable (and

    Yes, that gives L4Gs.  Eventually (when we'll have programmed
    everything) all computing will be only done with L4Gs: managers
    specifying their data flows.

But strangely enough, users are always asking for new programs... Is it
    because we've not programmed every functions already, or because
    we will
    never have them all programmed?

-- __Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/
    A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.

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