John Carlson wrote:

Miles wrote:
> There's a pretty good argument to be made that what "works" are powerful building blocks that can be combined in lots of different ways;

So the next big thing will be some version of minecraft? Or perhaps the older toontalk? Agentcubes? What is the right 3D metaphor? Does anyone have a comfortable metaphor? It would seem like if there was an open, federated MMO system that supported object lifecycles, we would have something. Do we have an "object web" yet, or are we stuck with text forever, with all the nasty security vunerabilities involved? Yes I agree that we lost something when we moved to the web. Perhaps we need to step away from the document model purely for security reasons.

DIS (Distributed Internet Simulation) or HLA (High Level Architecture) - both are distributed, real-time object protocols for managing very complex virtual worlds (specifically, military simulations and wargames).

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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