I once hear it said that Jesus didn't tell us to be perfect, instead he
told us to mature and bear good fruit.  Have you?
On Apr 6, 2013 5:32 AM, "Kirk Fraser" <overcomer....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Most likely your personal skills at natural language are insufficient to
> understand Revelation in the Bible, like mine were until I spent lots of
> time learning.  Now I can predict the current Pope Francis will eventually
> help create the 7 nation Islamic Caliphate with 3 extra-national military
> powers like Hamas in Rev. 13, 17:3.  You must understand natural language
> well if you want to program it well.  Many grad students hack out an NLP
> project that works at an uninspiring level.  To go beyond the state of the
> art, you must learn to understand beyond state of the art.
> Claims that the world has progressed beyond some past century are true for
> technology but not in human behavior.  People still have wars large and
> small.  Some of the worst human behavior can be seen in courts during wars
> between family members, and some of that behavior comes from lawyers.
>  Human behavior can only be improved by everyone pursuing the absolute
> perfection of God and his human form Jesus Christ, the Creator.  We must go
> beyond the state of the art churches, to learn from the true church which
> Jesus practiced with His students, before He left and they quit doing much
> of what He did and taught.
> Because his first graduates ignored His teaching of equal status under Him
>  instead pursuing positions over others and their money, today we have
> inherited that culture instead of Jesus' life where it is possible to be
> fed directly by God's miracles without need of money.  So I propose a
> return from today's "advanced culture" to Jesus' absolute perfection.
> www.freetom.info.truechurch
> In view of the human spiritual awakening possible that way, computers are
> only a temporary support until we get there.  Watch videos archived at
> www.sidroth.org some of which are lame but others are impressive showing
> what is happening now giving the idea the perfect culture of Jesus' church
> is possible.
> Love Absolute Truth,
> Kirk W. Fraser
> On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 10:23 PM, Steve Taylor <s...@ozemail.com.au> wrote:
>> Charlie Derr wrote:
>>  Nevertheless I'm finding some of this conversation truly fascinating
>>> (though I'm having a little trouble figuring out
>>> what is "truth" and what isn't).
>> I'm just waiting for Kirk to mention Atlantis or the Rosicrucians. It
>> feels like it could be any moment...
>>             Steve
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> --
> Kirk W. Fraser
> http://freetom.info/TrueChurch - Replace the fraud churches with the true
> church.
> http://congressionalbiblestudy.org - Fix America by first fixing its
> Christian foundation.
> http://freetom.info - Example of False Justice common in America
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