On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 8:17 AM, Carl Gundel <ca...@psychesystems.com> wrote:

> I’m not sure why you think I’m attributing special reverence to
> computing.  Break all the rules, please.  ;-)

To say you're "touching the hem" generally implies you're also on your
knees and bowing your head.

> ****
> ** **
> The claim that life is somehow inefficient so that computing should be
> different begs for qualification.  I’m sure there are a lot of ideas that
> can be gleaned for future computing technologies by studying biology, but
> living things are not computers in the sense of what people mean when they
> use the term computer.  It’s apples and oranges.

I agree we can gain some inspirations from life. Genetic programming,
neural networks, the development of robust systems in terms of reactive
cycles, focus on adaptive rather than abstractive computation.

But it's easy to forget that life had millions or billions of years to get
where it's at, and that it has burned through materials, that it fails to
recognize the awesomeness of many of the really cool 'programs' it has
created (like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ;).

A lot of logic must be encoded in the heuristic to evaluate some programs
as better than others. It can be difficult to recognize value that one did
not anticipate finding. It can be difficult to recognize how a particular
mutation might evolve into something great, especially if it causes
problems in the short term. The search space is unbelievably large, and it
can take a long time to examine it.

It isn't a matter of life being 'inefficient'. It's that, if we want to use
this 'genetic programming' technique that life used to create cool things
like Mozart, we need to be vastly more efficient than life at searching the
spaces, developing value, recognizing how small things might contribute to
a greater whole and thus should be preserved. In practice, this will often
require very special-purpose applications - e.g. "genetic programming for
the procedural generation of cities in a video game" might use a completely
different set of primitives than "genetic programming for the facial
structures and preferred behaviors/habits of NPCs" (and it still wouldn't
be easy to decide whether a particular habit contributes value).

Machine code - by which I mean x86 code and similar - would be a terribly
inefficient way to obtain value using genetic programming. It is far too
fragile (breaks easily under minor mutations), too fine grained (resulting
in a much bigger search space), and far too difficult to evaluate.

Though, we could potentially create a virtual-machine code suitable for
genetic programming.
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