On Tue, 5 Jun 2001, Youngho Cho wrote:

> HI,
> I would like to add Korean HYGoThic-Medium-Acro Font which is supplied from Adobe.
> How Can I add this font for FOP ?

I think that is a Type 0 postscript font which fop doesn't support.

> Also I trying to add Korean True Type Font GULIM.TTC , it include 4 fonts "Gulim, 
>etc ".
> When I read the ttc file , I set -ttcname "Gulim" option.
> But the ioexception happened.
> The reported font name by TTRReader includes "Gulim".
> The System.out.println shows same name but the String length is 2 times longer than 
>my input value.
> So I made the xml file by force ( modified the TTFFile.java )
> And the generated cid embed metrics xml file report the font-name tag as follows
> <font-name>&#0;G&#0;u&#0;l&#0;i&#0;m,&#0;R&#0;e&#0;g&#0;u&#0;l&#0;a&#0;r</font-name>
> Because of this &#0; I couldn't sucess adding this Font.

Change the font name in the xml file manually:

This might be a bug in TTFReader. I've seen this once before with an
old version of Arial. What happens is that TTFReader reads a unicode
encoded name from the .ttc file, but interprets it as iso-8859-1.


> How can I adding this True Type font ?
> Comment will be appreciated.
> Thanks

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