Hi all,
I posted a message regarding this problem a couple of weeks ago, but received no reply. 
I need to reference images ("external-graphic") in my xsl.  It seems to work fine when I use the absolute path, but not when I use the relative path.  Please find attached my original message - it's a little more detail and contains some sample XSL.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Micheál Healy
Engitech Ltd.

Hi all,
I'm using Xalan to create my .fo files from XML and XSL, then rendering pdf's using fop (v.0.19).  I'm using JDK 1.3.  This is all within a servlet.  I'm using Apache and Tomcat together as web server and servlet engine.  My problem is when I try to include 'external-graphics'.  I want to be able to get the graphics using a relative path over the web server.  Problem is, when I put the path "http://localhost/VincentSite/img/checkbox.gif", it works, but "/VincentSite/img/checkbox.gif" doesn't.  The strange thing is, I use a dictionary aswell, and I can find that using either "/VincentSite/xml/Dictionary.xml", or "http://localhost/VincentSite/xml/Dictionary.xml", so I know I'm using the correct path.  Also, this happens within a larger application which uses relative paths everywhere in the XSL to get images, and has no problems.
I've looked elsewhere for a solution to this, and can't seem to find one, so any help would be much appreciated.
Micheál Healy
Engitech Ltd.
         <xsl:when test="PersonalData/Checked='Y'">
           <fo:block font-size="9pt" line-height="13pt" text-align="start">
            <fo:external-graphic src="/VincentSite/img/chkbxgif-y.gif"/>
           <fo:block font-size="9pt" line-height="13pt" text-align="start">
            <fo:external-graphic src="/VincentSite/img/chkbxgif.gif"/>

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