> On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 13:28:58 Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > > THAT's exactly what I was searching for! But unfortunatetly, the
> > Driver.format() in the current cvs versions looks like
> > > Do you mean an other class/method ?
> > 
> > No, the problem is this: I'm using an older version which still returned
> > the number of pages. Obviously, someone removed this functionality in
> > the meantime. My version from Feb 2001 does it this way:
> > 
> >         return this.areaTree.getPages().size();
> > 
> > Can anybody tell my why this has been taken out? From what I can see in
> > the sources AreaTree still has the function getPages(). If nothing
> > speaks against it I'd like to see this enabled again.
> I can't find any evidence that the format method ever returned the page
> number. Maybe you added that in.

Doh. Now that you say it. That maybe true. Too bad we don't have air
conditioning, my head seems to be boiling. :-)

So, why don't we add it in?

> Maybe this is where a user agent could come in.

Would you please explain? Thanks!

Jeremias Märki


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