On Mon, 06 Aug 2001 13:17:28 Arved Sandstrom wrote:
> Hi, all
> The main sticking point at the moment is the updating of the CHANGES
> file. I 
> have not yet mustered up the courage to do this. We actually need 2 sets
> of 
> changes added - 0.18 to 0.19, and 0.19 to 0.20. I have no idea how long
> this 
> will take so I'm not going to speculate exactly on when I can build the 
> release itself. But for anyone wrapping up loose ends, you can certainly 
> assume next weekend and no earlier.

Just to give you a hand, I'll try to remember some of the things that have
been changed (by various people). Hopefully I can remember it correctly.
I'm sure I have forgotten some things...

0.18 - 0.19
- svg handled with batik, supported in pdf, awt and ps
- svg->pdf transcoder, PDFGraphics2D for drawing into pdf
- ps renderer
- testing system, for use with the w3c defined testsuite.dtd including our

- all properties are read, a message will indicate if it is not supported
- all elements now handled, with a message for unsupported elements
- uses Unknown element if namespace+element not found, rather than using
- support for only loading user fonts for pdf when needed
- fo:wrapper should support inheriting properties better
- table row span
- support for drawing text into PDFGraphics2D
- marker support (I'm sure you know)
- streaming pdf
- changed rendering of alpha images for svg in pdf, now uses white
- proper device information for PDFGraphics2D rendering
- code formatted
- element and property list mappings now added through single interface

Not sure where
- better handling table borders
- lines/borders render better in pdf
- better handling of base directory, image locating

That's enough for me, my short term memory is empty.

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