Hi all,

I am using FOP in embedding mode from a servlet.  After starting
the Servlet engine, for the first time PDF generation is painfully slow.
It takes about 5 minutes to generate and stream a PDF document.  I have
observed the console logs and it's taking about 4 minutes to print the 
first line in the log.  Then after a minute I could see all the following
However, subsequent hits generate and stream the document within seconds.
This problem is observed only in UNIX (Solaris 2.6), but not in NT.  

building formatting object tree
setting up fonts
Parsing of document complete, stopping renderer
Initial heap size: 9722Kb
Current heap size: 10374Kb
Total memory used: 651Kb
  Memory use is indicative; no GC was performed
  These figures should not be used comparatively
Total time used: 41739ms
Pages rendererd: 1
Avg render time: 41739ms/page

I am using  java version "1.2.2"
Solaris VM (build Solaris_JDK_1.2.2_05a, native threads, sunwjit).

If anybody have a solution to this problem, that would be of great help to

thanks in advance,

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