I made a change to the PCLRenderer that should have fixed the border problem. I am not sure if it made it into the last build. If the last build does not include it, you may want to rebuild FOP and include version 1.13 of the PCLRenderer.
For the Euro symbol problem. some (typically older) printers did not include the Euro Symbol. Some printers have various methods for fixing this (hardware upgrade, soft font download, etc). If the symbol can be mapped to a single character code, then it should be possible to include this in the FO and let the renderer just pass it to the printer. I am guessing though that this may cause a difference in the output produced by other renderers.
If you want to print the whole document in landscape then you can set the orientation variable on the PCLRenderer class before rendering. Unfortunately the problem of how to set options on the renderers is an outstanding issue.
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian T. Wolf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: Problems with PCL Output

I've encountered #1 as well. The borders seem to have broken around 0.20.1, so we are using 0.19.0 and borders seem to work right there.
I have posted questions about #3. I am willing to do the coding if someone can help point me in the right direction. The ability to send a landscape code in the PCL is there, but right now there is no means to get the information from the fo document to the PCLRenderer. Also, that code is only called once, but we would need it to be re-evaluated on a page-by-page basis.
#2 is out of my area of 'expertise' (and I use that term loosely.)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 10:05 AM
Subject: Problems with PCL Output

Hello there,
we are using FOP (0.20.1) to create PDF and PCL Documents on an OS/390 System.
There PDF generation works great, the PCL generation works nearly great.
There are 3 problems with PCL
1. Table borders are mixed up
2. There is no EURO-sign in the PCL
3. landscape mode is not working. We simply change width and height of the document to the values of DIN A4 landscape, which is ok for PDF, but the PCL printer does not rotate the pages, so the last 1/3 of each page is empty, but the right part is not on the page.
Is there anyone who has any ideas what to do against these problems (or at least against one of them) ?
Thanks in advance
Martin Roob

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