On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Did something change in Ant yesterday which made the properties file
> take precidence over taskdefs?

No, at least not yesterday.  What has changed yesterday is that we've
added a new task named manifest, so there simply hasn't been any
collision before that.

> Is there some way that the Ant and FOP teams can work together to
> produce a combined manifest task which satisifies all requirements?

Ant's manifest task can do all things FOP's does, AFAICS.  You'd have
to replace the attributes with nested <attribute> elements and
explicit names, that's all.  On the other hand, this would make FOP's
build process depend on an unreleased version of Ant.

I'll try to see why Ant's task definition takes precedence, because it
shouldn't be that way.  Thanks for the heads-up.


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