On 2002.01.11 10:38 Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> If I understand right, FONode objects should be disposed of as soon as
> possible - in this case I'd suggest creating a StructureEventListener as
> follows:
> actors and goals:
> ag1. FOP creates FONodes while parsing the input stream
> ag2. FOP wants to dispose of FONodes as soon as possible, to be able to
> work
> on SAX event streams without keeping everything in memory
> ag3. StructureEventListener wants to use FONodes as soon as they are
> created,
> and often needs specific FONodes to stay around until they have been used
> (rendered)

This sounds right.

> contracts:
> c1. zero to N StructureEventListeners can register with an FONode to
> receive StructureEvents
> c2. an FONode that does not have its own list of StructureEventListeners
> uses that from its parent
> c3. StructureEvents are like: FONodeStartEvent, FONodeEndEvent,
> FONodeAttributesEvent which are sent at the end of the corresponding
> FONode
> methods
> c4. FONode has an "usage counter", that prevents it and its parents from
> being disposed of until its value is zero (or do we want to rely on the
> gabage collector only for this?)
> In this way, StructureEventListeners (like an RtfRenderer based on jfor
> code)
> could release FONodes early if they are able to render on the fly, or
> keep
> them around if needed.
> How does this sound?

This doesn't quite feel right to me.
Why do we need to count things if those that need them simply keep a 
Do we need to have this completely separate method of reading the fo tree 
(layout managers is the other) when both do some similar things.
I'm not sure, I just can't picture how it should work at the moment.

We need:
- start and end of document
- start and end of page sequence
- resolved properties
- static areas
- add info after end of block level object: block, table, list etc.

I don't quite understand how these things fit in the rtf.

> Should we call everything StructureEvent... or FONodeEvent... or
> FOStructureEvent...?
> - Bertrand

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