Please find attached some preliminary notes on the implementation of 


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    <title>Implementing footnotes</title>
      <person name="Peter B. West" email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"/>
    <!-- one of (anchor s1) -->
    <s1 title="Implementing footnotes in FOP">
	Footnotes present difficulties for page layout primarily
	because their point of invocation in the flow is different
	from their point of appearance in the area tree.  All of the
	content lines of a footnote may appear on the same page as its
	invocation point, all may appear on a following page, or the
	lines may be split over a page or pages.  (This characteristic
	leads to another problem when a footnote overflows the last
	page of flow content, but that difficulty will not be
	discussed here.)  This note considers some aspects of the
	implementation of footnotes in a galley-based design.
      <s2 title="The organisation of the galleys">
	<s3 title="The layout tree">
	    For the purposes of this discussion, I will assume a
	    <strong>layout tree</strong>, intermediate between the
	    <em>FO tree</em> and the <em>area tree</em>.  The purpose
	    of such a structure is to allow layout management to test
	    the viability of proposed layout decisions by enabling
	    look-ahead in the galleys.
	    It must be stressed that this concept has not been
	    developed or tested, and may well be redundant as an
	    actual structure.
	    The layout tree resembles the area tree in basic
	    structure; under the root wil be a list of
	    page-viewport-areas, descending through the outer area
	    structure of the individual pages to the areas generated
	    by FOs from flows of both kinds.  It is below the flow
	    level that the differences will occur.  Areas at this
	    level will provide attachment points for the galleys to
	    enable galley pre-processing and look-ahead.
	<s3 title="Galley pre-processing">
	    As indicated in earlier notes, galleys are sequences of
	    flow objects sourced from fo:flow and fo:static-content
	    flows.  The galleys themselves are sources of objects for
	    targets in the area tree.  Galley pre-processing involves
	    the spatial resolution of objects from the flows to the
	    greatest extent possible without information on the
	    dimensions of the target area.  In terms of inline-areas,
	    galleys would resolve the dimensions of included images
	    and process text.  Text would be collected into runs with
	    the same alignment characteristics, resolving block
	    progession dimension and noting all natural and hyphenated
	    break points.
	    Once this pre-processing has been achieved, it is
	    envisaged that a layout manager might make requests to the
	    galley of its ability to fill an area of a given
	    inline-progression-dimension.  A positive response would
	    be accompanied by the block-progression-dimension.  The
	    other possibilities are a partial fill, which would also
	    require b-p-d data, and a failure due to insufficient
	    i-p-d, in which case the minimum i-p-d requirement would
	    be returned.  Note that decisions about the
	    actual dimensions of line-areas to be filled can be
	    deferred until all options have been tested.
	    Apart from information request, higher-level
	    processes can either make requests of the galleys for
	    chunks of nominated sizes, or simply attach the galley to
	    a particular area <em>in the area tree</em> and release
	    the galley to fill.  The galleys must be able to respond to a
	    sequence of information requests, more or less in the
	    manner of a reqest iterator, and separately manage the
	    flushing of objects into the area tree.
	<s3 title="Footnotes and galleys">
	    In the structure described above, footnotes would be
	    pre-processed as galleys themselves, but they would remain
	    attached as subtrees to their points of invocation in the
	    main text.  Allocation to a footnote-reference-area would
	    only occur in the area tree.
	    When footnotes are introduced, the communication between
	    galleys and layout manager, as mentioned above, would be
	    affected.  The returned infomation would two b-p-d values:
	    the primary line-area b-p-d impact and the footnote b-p-d
	    impact.  The distinction is necessary for two reasons; to
	    alert the layout manager to the first footnote of the
	    page, and because the footnote b-p-d will always impact
	    the main-reference-area b-p-d, whereas the primary
	    inline-area may not, e.g. in the case of multiple
	<s3 title="Layout managers in the flow of control">
	  <note>To be developed.</note>
	<s3 title="Implications for keeps">
	    In the case of footnotes, this sketchy model provides for
	    very localised look-ahead to provide the information for
	    page breaks where footnotes are involved.  The same model
	    can probably be extended to deal with keeps.  It allows
	    for look-ahead on keeps to check for available space
	    before committing areas to a particular page.

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