-----Original Message-----
From: Nicola Ken Barozzi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: March 19, 2002 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: development status

From: "Keiron Liddle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Retrieve Markers?

IMHO yes, since you can make a forward reference with it.

-----Original Message-----

The section on retrieve-marker is not well written, but I would assert with
a high degree of confidence that for any retrieve-marker, the only
qualifying markers have already been seen.

Supporting analysis:

Spec Statement 1 - "The term 'containing page' is used here to mean the page
that contains the first area generated or returned by the children of the
retrieved fo:marker."

Spec Statement 2 - "[ qualifying ] areas do not have a position in the
hierarchy if they are within pages that follow the containing page."

Statement 1 tells me that the page containing the fo:retrieve-marker is the
containing page. Statement 2 tells me that markers, which otherwise qualify
on the basis of class-name and retrieve-boundary, are ruled out.

This is pretty unambiguous, although other parts of the relevant discussion
are not.

I am open to counter-arguments. The reason I am open to counter-arguments is
I read stuff like this, for example:

A) If the value of the "retrieve-position" property is
"last-starting-within-page", then the last qualifying area in the containing
page whose "is-first" trait has a value of "true" is better than any other
area. If there is no such area, then the last qualifying area in the
containing page is better than any other area.


B1) Every area in the hierarchy is considered preferential to, or "better"
than, any area below it in the hierarchy. When comparing two areas to
determine which one is better, the terms "first" and "last" refer to the
preorder traversal order of the area tree.


B2) A qualifying area within a page is better than any qualifying area
within a preceding page.

and my brain starts to implode. What does this mean? That _if_ there are NO
areas on the containing page that have "is-first" = "true", and in fact,
there are no qualifying areas on the containing page at all, then Rule A
kicks in and a qualifying area on page 11 is better than a qualifying area
on page 18? In fact the entire question of what qualifying areas should be
selected of nothing is found on the containing page is up in the air -
apparently one always selects the first qualifying area (pre-order traversal
of the area tree) subject to class-name and retrieve-boundary. Better to
select nothing at all.

Anyway, that's my little rant on markers. I raised the issue last year but
never got an answer.

But in terms of forward references fortunately the spec is very clear.


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