>From: "Charles Marcus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I am taking it upon myself to submit a query regarding the Apache
> > Software License that FOP is licensed under.
> >
> > There is some big interest currently in the OOo (OpenOffice.org)
> > community with respect to finding a cross-platform, uniform and
> > integrated method for providing PDF document creation, and FOP looks
> > like it could be the answer.  The only question is, can OOo use it?
> >
> > OOo requires that anything integrated into its source code be made
> > available to them under the terms of the LGPL license.
> >
> > What would be required in order to allow a version of FOP to be
> > licensed/sub-licensed/dual-licensed under the LGPL?

We recently had this discussion in reverse about the possibility of 
incorporating iText PDF library into FOP. This is a non XSL:FO library 
which helps you generate and process PDF files.

In the end I think we had to turn down iText's generous offer since its 
code was licensed in an incompatible way with Apache FOP.

However if your OpenOffice code uses LGPL and iText uses LGPL I see no 


I guess the next question you need to ask yourself is do you require XSL:FO 

Alex McLintock

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