> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter B. West [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: April 23, 2002 8:18 AM
> To: fop-dev
> Subject: Aids to distributed design
[ SNIP ]
> While I am not suggesting that anything much is likely to change in the
> current situation, I think that one of the lessons here is the
> importance of chat.  This is particularly difficult with wide
> geographical distribution, but I have done it on occasions with a group
> spread from California through New York and London to Tokyo and
> Brisbane.  The major hurdle is finding any times when everyone can be
> available.  Even when not everyone could be there, logs of the
> conversation could be very valuable.
> The other critical component is drawings.  If I had the choice of
> unlimited text or drawings with minimal annotations for communicating
> design ideas, I would take the drawings every time.  I'm not talking
> here about formal techniques like UML, which are design documentation
> tools, but the informal scribblings which are universal when programmers
> - sorry, engineers - get together to talk design, and which are the
> basic tool of all of my design thinking.
> What would be good is to combine the two.  I.e., to chat on the one
> hand, and on the other to be able to use a vector drawing tool with a
> distributed canvas, which others could annotate or modify in real time,
> during the chat session.  Does anything like that exist?

There is apparently some stuff out there, based on a simple Google search
(all hail Google). There is http://hem.fyristorg.com/matben/, which looks
pretty good but it all depends on how well it works; there is also a Mozilla
spin-off (http://jabberzilla.mozdev.org/releases/). These mostly seem to be
based on Jabber. It wouldn't take much to do up a JMS solution using an
open-source JMS broker and some applets (I have a colleague who knocked out
something pretty similar as an inhouse experiment in a couple of days).


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