Comments below.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chuck Paussa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: May 2, 2002 7:16 PM
> Subject: What the spec says about table-row, table-cell etc.
> I've been working on a schema for FO documents so that I can off-load
> the validation chore. I created the schema from the W3C documents which
> state the following for table-cell:
> Contents:
> (%block;)+
> In addition this formatting object may have a sequence of zero or more
> fo:markers as its initial children.
> The following properties apply to this formatting object:
>     * [7.4 Common Accessibility Properties]
>     * [7.6 Common Aural Properties]
>     * [7.7 Common Border, Padding, and Background Properties]
>     * [7.12 Common Relative Position Properties]
>     * [7.26.1 "border-after-precedence"]
>     * [7.26.2 "border-before-precedence"]
>     * [7.26.4 "border-end-precedence"]
>     * [7.26.6 "border-start-precedence"]
>     * [7.14.1 "block-progression-dimension"]
>     * [7.26.8 "column-number"]
>     * [7.13.4 "display-align"]
>     * [7.13.6 "relative-align"]
>     * [7.26.10 "empty-cells"]
>     * [7.26.11 "ends-row"]
>     * [7.14.4 "height"]
>     * [7.28.2 "id"]
>     * [7.14.5 "inline-progression-dimension"]
>     * [7.26.13 "number-columns-spanned"]
>     * [7.26.14 "number-rows-spanned"]
>     * [7.26.15 "starts-row"]
>     * [7.14.12 "width"]
> FOP, in addition, both allows and implements the setting of block's
> inheritable attributes such as "color" and "text-align" which are then
> propagated down to the enclosed blocks. My questions are as follows:
> Is there a place in the spec that says "Containers may hold inheritable
> attributes so they can be passed on to their child objects"?
> Or is this just a side-effect of inheritabliity?
> Or is this illegal and will disappear in future FOP versions to be
> compatible with the spec?

Yes, at Section 5.1.4. Every inheritable property exists on every formatting
object, whether or not the property is actually applicable to (useable by)
that FO. This isn't just a side-efefct of inheritability, this _is_
inheritability. :-)

> and
> Is there a list of these "inheritable attributes" ? Or do I just
> generate the list from those attributes that have an enumeration value
> of inherit?

Don't do the latter...what you want to want to look at is the "Inherited:"
field in the property descriptions.

Chuck, one thing you may find helpful (maybe you've done it already) is to
work off the XML version of the spec, and extract the property tables, at
which point you can do SAX or XSLT to get at interesting bits. This was my


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