Hi Paul,

I don't think we can apply this patch directly for a number of reasons.
Although there are parts in it with value that should be put into cvs
when you have finished.

The patch should be done against cvs rather than what you did which
seems to be in reverse anyway (I suppose this is what you are working
on). It's better to avoid the various formatting changes which really
confuses things.

Using temp files can cause problems in certain situations.
I don't see the need for an extra PDFStreamGraphics2D class. Modifying
the PDFGraphics2D should suffice.

An extension may work better in this situation with the development
code. If I understand the problem properly.


On Mon, 2002-05-20 at 17:43, Paul Reavis wrote:
> Attached are gzipped diffs for the changes I made vs. the 0.20.3
> release. I'm working on patches against CVS, but am pretty busy and
> wanted to get something out soonest.
> Essentially the patch includes:
> -> support for callback-based, on-the-fly images (URLs like
> "onthefly:SomeImage", you have to preregister the callback named
> "SomeImage" before running the FOP transformation)
> -> a modified PDFGraphics2D called PDFStreamGraphics2D that does not
> use an intermediate byte buffer, but renders direct to a PDFStream
> -> modified PDFStream so that it caches to tempfiles on disk rather
> than to heap
> -> modified the drawImage portion of PDFStreamGraphics2D so that it
> only creates a new xObject for the image if it has never seen that
> image before, otherwise it reuses the reference
> The combination of these things took us from render times of up to 10
> minutes and hundreds of megabytes of heap to render times of less than
> 10 seconds and less than 64MB of heap (the default max heap size).

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