On Thu, 2002-09-26 at 16:09, Matthew L. Avizinis wrote:
> Hello all
> I have found that when attempting to render an SVG to pdf if the image
> contains mixed text and line objects such as paths, rect's, etc. which are
> grouped, if the group is rotated [by either rotate() or matrix()] by an
> angle <=±8°, the text is transformed correctly while the path remains
> unrotated.  If the angle of rotation is >=±9° the path (or rect, line, etc.)
> is rotated correctly.
> for example,

I don't get any problem with the example with 9 or 8 degrees. Both
svg->png and svg->pdf appear to be the same.

What versions are you using?
Have you tried converting the image using the batik that comes with the
FOP you are using?

> <svg width="1395" height="1747">
>   <g transform="rotate(-9) translate(-13.5791 189.397) translate(-10.6777
> 6.69118)">
>     <text x="145px" y="209px" transform="translate(-86.6667 -48)
> font-size="116" font-family="Arial" font-weight="bold">P</text>
>     <text x="607px" y="289px" transform="translate(-602.667 -166.667)
> translate(612.111 247.356) scale(0.965631 1) translate(-612.111 -247.356)
> scale(0.964408 1) fill="rgb(0,0,0)" font-size="116" font-family="Arial"
> font-weight="bold">G</text>
>     <path d="M52.7692 81.1538 L1113.88 82.1267" transform="translate(1113.88
> 81.6403) scale(0.988691 1)  fill="none" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)"
> stroke-width="10"/>
>     <path transform="translate(0.992548 0.121852) scale(1.01556 1)"
> fill="none" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-width="4" d="M1164 -6 L1164 1569 L-3
> 1569 L-3 -6 z"/>
>   </g>
> </svg>
> The image is correctly displayed by the current version of Batik.  So I'm
> wondering if this is still a problem with Batik or with FOP or both.  Anyone
> have any ideas about this and is there any workaround available?  If this a
> new defect, should I report it further than this?  If so, point me to
> instructions for Bugzilla.
> thanks in advance,
>    Matthew L. Avizinis <mailto:mla@;gleim.com>

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