As I understand the spec, if I have two blocks in succession that both have

        <fo:block ... space-before="12pt" space-after="12pt" ...>

then there should only be 12 points separating them, *not* 24, since 12
points satisfied both of their requirements.  Let's call that "coalescing",
for lack of a better term right now.

        Also, in a related issue, if a block appears at the top of a column, the
space-before is usually satisfied by the top margin of the page, so that
vertical space should essentially be "ignored" (so long as the margin is
sufficently large).

        In comparing some output from XEP to that from FOP, my small mind tells me
that XEP is doing this as described above, but FOP does not appear to be
coalescing or ignoring vertical spacing in those situations.  FOP appears to
be putting 24 points between the blocks, and possibly starting the blocks at
the tops of columns 12 points lower than the margin.

        Do I understand this correctly?  Is this a limitation of FOP right now?  A
different interpretation of the spec?  A different set of default behaviors?

        If FOP can handle this as described, I'd be very interested to know how.

        Let me also add that I've generally been using the table trick for getting
the "keep-with-*" and "keep-together" features to work, but I've verified
that this problem happens whether I have these blocks in table rows or

        Thank you.

Patrick Rusk

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