Karen Lease wrote:
A while back, if I remember correctly, someone was looking for and perhaps going to write an extension to write continued labels in table headers. Ie, when the table continues, to add text like "(continued)" or whatever in the header (and/or footer).

Apparently this never made it into the common pool, but I have recently cooked up something fairly simple (and limited) to handle this. Is there interest in putting it in for the next maintenance release ? It has very minor impact on the table layout code and probably would be useful to a number of people.
Well, the functionality can be nearly emulated with standard
XSLFO, even though it is somewhat messy, and perhaps some unwanted
space appears. Therefore it can be discussed whether this should
go into the FOP code pool.

A more generalized functionality would be FO which are conditionally
rendered before/after page breaks in the FO which they are attached
       <fo:block>Continued on next page<fo:block>
       <fo:block>Continued from previouss page<fo:block>
    bla bla bla...

Because there is now an EXSLFO initiative, I think we should supply
a draft spec there and wait for some consensus before making comminments
to the FOP code base (unless asked for proof-of-concept or something).
I'll take care if writing the spec and submitting it, right after
I've cleaned the backlog.

Is this ok?


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