Since you are currently discussing PDF 1.3 vs. 1.4 issues, there's one 
thing not
all of you may be aware of:

There's a relatively new standard called PDF/X-3. This is basically PDF 
with a number of restrictions. Some can be handled by the user (all fonts
must be embedded), some others must be adhered to by the PDF generator.

The intention of PDF/X is to standardize on a PDF subset that can be
handled without the usual problems in the prepress business (missing or
mismatched fonts, color mismatches, trapping etc.). 

For more information see There's also a freeware 
preflight tool called PDF/X-3 Inspector (download URL:

The reason I'm mentioning this is that one of the restrictions of PDF/X-3 
that the PDF file may not be PDF 1.4 (I'm not sure if lower than 1.3 is 

To pave the way for future PDF/X support, you may consider still 
PDF 1.3 in the redesign code tree. At least perhaps make it configurable.

Hope this information is useful.
Cappelino Informationstechnologie GmbH
Arnd Beißner

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