On 13.01.2003 23:24:49 J.Pietschmann wrote:
> Angus Stewart wrote:
> > 1.    To the best of your knowledge (as I know this is not the SVG list)
> > - Does SVG support external fonts?
> You'll have to install your font with the AWT. I have no idea
> how easy or complicated this is. If you are running Unix+X it is
> probably enough to register the font with X. On Windows, it may
> be enough to drop the file into the font directory.

You could also try to set the strokeSVGText property to false. This will
delegate text painting to FOP (instead of Batik) which can use its own
fonts. Though with rotated text I've had my problems. The redesigned FOP
will do this a lot better in the future.


Jeremias Maerki

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