As requested we've voted for two FOP committers as representatives for
the XML PMC. The initial set is Peter B. West and me:

- Peter B. West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In this thread, you'll find the voting results:

Both Peter and I got +1s from Bertrand Delacretaz, Christian Geisert,
Keiron Liddle, Victor Mote, Joerg Pietschmann and Oleg Tkachenko. Peter
voted +1 for me and here's my +1 for Peter.

We had no -1 votes. The following active committers haven't voted so
far: Karen Lease and Arved Sandstrom.

Keiron Liddle proposed establishing some kind of rotation for the FOP
representation in the XML PMC. We like the idea and we would like to ask
the current XML PMC if you'd be ok if we changed FOP representatives
every 6 months or so. Here's his idea and reasoning behind it:

Jeremias Maerki

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