Sorry for the delay. BT/ET (begin/end text object, see PDF specs) is
something I took over from the PDF renderer. The idea behind it is to
make the PS renderer as similar to the PDF renderer as possible so it's
easy to use a differ to identify code that could be factored out from
the two renderers. I've already identified a few candidate snippets.

I'm sorry if this confused you. But you're right, the code doesn't do
much more than moving to (0,0). The code for BT/ET is inspired (but
simplified) by the PostScript code generated by AcrobatReader when
converting a PDF to PostScript. Acrobat Reader pretty much emulates the
PDF vocabulary in PostScript. By my doing the same I can make the code
of the PS renderer very similar to the PDF renderer for the reason above.

Concerning your last question: I haven't yet paid close attention to the
efficiency of the code produced. I just wanted to get it running so you
could continue. The matrix manipulations could probably be simplified.

I hope this helps. Anyway, I'm back and ready to help you. If you have
something running, even if it's not the final version, you can wrap up a
diff file and I'm going to apply it. Any luck yet with getting CVS

On 05.02.2003 22:18:44 Zhong Yi wrote:
> Jeremias,
> I am looking at your new PS rendering code. The /BT
> procedure you defined there is puzzling me. I don't
> understand the purpose of the procedure. It seems to
> me all it does is move the point to (0, 0). If so, why
> so many matrix manipulations infront of it?

Jeremias Maerki

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