Oleg Tkachenko wrote:

> So, we've got 28 logos [1] submitted. Now lets pick out the
> winner somehow.
> Comments?

If the question is how the winner should be picked, I don't know. As far as
the logo itself goes, here are my favorites (in order):

1. #7 (Tobias Muller, fountain pen feather). This is my favorite concept.
With hi-tech names & logos both, you want to go one of two directions --
either be explicitly hi-tech, or something so classic that it will never be
outdated. I generally prefer the latter, and the feather & fountain pen work
well. I think if the text and typeface were tweaked quite a bit, this would
be great. The lowercase type used in #10 looks much less imposing, and the
typeface (is that Minion?) is much better. I would like to see us ask Tobias
for some other versions with other typeface/color combinations.

2. #10 (Andre Halama, lower-case text, feather, xml in background). I am
afraid background xml isn't going to scale well. Maybe leave that out, or
have another version without it for small-scale stuff. As mentioned above, I
like the text very much.

3. #2 (Bernd Brandstetter, parrot looking over shoulder).

4. #13 (Lars Wallin, clockwise circle around red dot). The contents of the
"o" look too much like an eye to me. I think removing the red dot makes this
a nice candidate.

5. #21b (Andy Joslin). I like the idea of setting the "fo" in a different
color from the "p". Nice clean design.

6. #24 (Pavol Vaskovic). This doesn't fit with my "classic" preference, but
I like it a lot.

There are several others that are really quite good as well, but the above
are my favorites.

Victor Mote

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