Hmm, I've given up running Ant under Eclipse. Gave me too much of a
headache and it works well for me outside of Eclipse.

But I think the trick is to use "${basedir}" instead of "." in build.xml
because Eclipse has to set the base directory so everything is ok. I
have done some other changes locally that I cannot commit, yet, because
I'm blocked on an issue. So I can't commit my build.xml. Can you do it,

On 17.06.2003 16:55:12 Peter B. West wrote:
> Trying to build HEAD using Ant under Eclipse, I get the following error 
> when the hyphenation build is attempted:
> [serHyph] Fatal Error: source directory ./src/hyph for hyphenation files 
> doesn't exist.
> [serHyph] BUILD FAILED: file:/home/pbw/workspace/fop-head/build.xml:453: 
> org.eclipse.ant.core.AntSecurityException
> Does anyone have any ideas about how to get around this?

Jeremias Maerki

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