On 6/23/2003 3:08 AM, J.U. Anderegg wrote:
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
How do you plan to handle RTF styles?

In jfor we defined an extension to XSL-FO (the "jfor-style" attribute) to control RTF styles.

I think some form of extension is needed as (AFAIK) the concept of
styles does not exist in XSL-FO, as it is meant for printed output.

(1) This is not a FOP extension, but rather a fundamental change of the XSL-FO language, which does not know stlye sheets.

Forgive my intrusion, and perhaps this is not related, or just using a different namespace, but why not define a xsl:attribute-set for each "style" and then use the xsl:use-attributes to help with the definition of the RTF/MIF style? Consider this this example (the comments are meant for people who want to modify 'my' template to change their output):

<xsl:attribute-set name="attNormal">
<!-- attNormal | attribute set: font-family,font-size,color & background-color) of entire EOR -->
<xsl:attribute name="background-color">#ffffff</xsl:attribute>
<!-- background-color for overall EOR page - default:#ffffff (white) -->
<xsl:attribute name="color">#000000</xsl:attribute>
<!-- color for text - default:#000000 (black) -->
<xsl:attribute name="font-family">courier new, courier, monospace</xsl:attribute>
<!-- font-family for text - default:"courier new,courier,monospace" -->
<!-- NOTE: Changes to font-family affects FOP rendering of EOR and may require overhaul of template! -->
<xsl:attribute name="font-size">8pt</xsl:attribute>
<!-- font-size for text - default:8pt - -->
<!-- NOTE: Changes to font-size DRASTICALLY affects FOP rendering of EOR and may require COMPLETE overhaul of template! -->

Then couple this with these fo:page-sequence calls:

<!-- DEFINE PAGE SEQUENCE - repeating -->
<fo:page-sequence master-reference="repeating">
  <fo:static-content flow-name="xsl-region-before">
    <fo:block padding="0pt" xsl:use-attribute-sets="attNormal">
      <xsl:call-template name="tmpHeader"/>
  <fo:static-content flow-name="xsl-region-after">
    <fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="attNormal">
      <xsl:call-template name="tmpFooter"/>
  <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
    <fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="attNormal">
      <xsl:call-template name="tmpBody"/>
      <fo:block padding="0pt" font-size="1pt">
        <fo:marker marker-class-name="table-continued"/>

Is this related to the discussion? I see that I'm using xsl: namespaces, but I'm curious to learn how this relates...
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