On 04.07.2003 22:59:27 J.Pietschmann wrote:
> Interestingly, nobody seems to care
> all that much. Do people proof read their output?


<snip what="a lot of interesting-sounding stuff"/>

> RT: I believe the lexicon(s), pattern generator, the hyphenator
> and perhaps other tools could be useful for other projects.
> What would be a sensible approach to encourage reuse?

Well, separate the reusable stuff from the FOP-specific stuff
(package-wise). Other Apache projects have started sub-(sub-)projects.
Maybe we could do something similar if only to encourage decoupling of
utility components that could be used elsewhere. Additional candidates:
PDF library, Transcoders, a free image library etc. etc.

Another question: How does your work relate to the general possibility
to make use of OpenOffice.org's hyphenation stuff.

Jeremias Maerki

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