
yes, I know there are workarounds. For me it is important to use the 
XSL:FO-Implementation as "standard" as possible. At the moment we decided not to work 
with the sources ourselves for programming-capacity and strategical reasons (for me it 
makes no sense if a houndred programmers implement the same feature separately).
The current pre-release needs about 1 MB RAM per page in our reports - that is indeed 
no problem if you have a machine with about 256 MB or more and have no other 
applications loaded while using FOP.
But we're using FOP as add-on to some of our applications and the PCs of the users 
have 128 MByte maximum and we have to tune each machine carefully with the -Xmx 
Parameter (otherwise FOP seems to "hang" in some endless loops). If you do this on a 
stand-alone machine: 32 MB for our reporting engine which produces the .fo-File + 32 
MB for Adobe Acrobat or the FOP-Preview + n MB for FOP...
If there would be a way to get the same results with about 512 kByte per page, that 
would be a big advantage.
The fact is, that we have to (and customers/users simply do) compare the need of 
memory to other reporting tools as Crystal Reports or commercial 
XSL:FO-implementations, which use much less memory and are faster. 
So if there's a way to implement the suggestions for "lean tables" without refactoring 
the whole thing, I'd suppose to do so. 
It might be a fundamental decision if FOP is a kind of "toolbox" for developers or if 
it should be an "out of the box-product" for nearly everyone - I think there's so much 
good ideas in it that everyone should be able to use it.

Thomas Sporbeck

Gesendet am: 08.07.2003 11:34:58
Betreff: RE: 0.20.5 release

        Hi Fopers,
        I can understand your requirements, but I would like to know what memory 
        limit you are looking for and what are the filters you two are talking about.
        As for me, I have been using FOP for BIG reports (fromm 100 to 2000 pages) 
        with big tables (like you, more than 500 pages long tables).
        I have used some iText Features to deal with forward reference (see the 
        list archive for more details) and this has been giving me a nice solution.
        I can produce a 1500 pages doc on a simple machine with 256Mo in a few 
        minutes (yes, it swaps) and we use 1 or 2 Go Ram servers for huge documents.
        Anyway, we all would welcome some new solution to this problem, but surely 
        you reckon there has been loads of workarounb in this list ?
        Can you be more specific about the performance threshold you are looking for ?
        At 09:02 08/07/2003 +0430, you wrote:
        >Dear Thomas Sporbeck
        >It's good to see someone else is using FOP for big reports. I also using
        >tables for inventory lists near to 600 pages and my user do not accept
        >to use filters. This FOP is killing my user business and if I could not
        >find a solution to it, we would trough away the FOP for good, for ever.
        >Then it would be a shame on FOP open source developers since I would go
        >and buy none open, commercial product.
        >I would really appreciate if you inform me of your ideas.
        >Ali Farahani
        >-----Original Message-----
        >From: Thomas Sporbeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
        >Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 3:41 PM
        >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        >Subject: RE: 0.20.5 release
        >I would agree to Ricardo. We're using tables for inventory lists
        >containing about 500 pages. The memory situation in that reports is
        >really critical and we cannot force the users to set filters.
        >On the other hand: to us it doesn't matter if this enhancement comes
        >with 0.20.5 or with a later version (0.20.5a ?), which has of course to
        >be decided by the developers and will possibly delay refactoring.
        >Thomas Sporbeck
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