--- "J.Pietschmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   Hyphenation problem in Bug 23985
> Actually, implementing UTR14 would solve the line
> breaking problem,
> although not the URL breaking problem.

Make sure you're separating the issues here...the bug
in question involved "hard" hyphens and forward
slashes (already present in the text) like
"vice-versa" and "and/or".  This is what was fixed.

Regular hyphenation, i.e., breaking up of unhyphenated
words I guess is after the above types of processing
are done.  I'm not familiar that much with hyphenation

> Points to discuss:
> - JDK 1.4 has a java.text.BreakIterator, which
> implements UTR14, or
>   at least the parts releant for western languages
> (can't see them
>   dealing with Thai properly).

Probably more than just Western, here's a Japanese


BreakIterator has a function getAvailableLocales()
that lists all languages they support.  We would
probably be OK with just supporting the languages that
Sun supports.

>   The questions
>    + Can somebody verify this class is already
> available in JDK 1.3?

Yes.  See

>    + Can this class really be leveraged? 

Again, I don't know the code, but it may be a good
idea. Anything that is based on Sun Java code (and an
official standard like UTR14) probably makes our life
much easier--anyone has a complaint about the
hyphenation decisions can go complain to Sun about


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