On Dec 26, 2003, at 1:23 AM, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
On 24.12.2003 07:56:10 Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
Le Dimanche, 21 déc 2003, à 22:53 Europe/Zurich, Glen Mazza a écrit :
Seems like no one has voted on this yet? Must be this Christmas thing...

+1 from me, too.

I've got an (un)fortunate additional excuse: The flu put me out of
action during the last days. :-) or rather :-(

BTW, I think, that when this vote passes, there are at least two other
candidates who deserve a similar nomination, maybe not because of patch
frequency, but for dedicated service to the project. Expect these within
the next two days (no time today, sorry).

Jeremias Maerki

I didn't vote (my vote doesn't count) but since you asked... +1 is how I (and our friend and non-voting 'member' Andreas) would've voted... :-)

Since Finn appears to have "won by a landslide" may I be the first to congratulate Mr. Bock! May you see FOP's 1.0 release and beyond!

Web Maestro Clay

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